Developed and published by Valve, the franchise invite players to a dystopian future where humanity is bound to be slaves to a superior alien race.
#Half life 2 cheats for 360 series#
Half-Life is one of the most influential video game series in the history of gaming. Grigori will say hello again and remind you to be mindful of his traps.Here are Half-Life 2 cheats and console commands to give you the upper hand against the forces of Combine. Then climb the next series of ladders to get to the roof. If you are hurt, you can just trigger the zombies and retreat to the street and reactivate the gas trap to fry them. Go down the alley and kill the three zombies by the fence. Go up the street and kill the fire by turning off the gas. There should also be a saw blade or two around here if you need another. Make sure that the gas is on and flip the ignition switch to fry him. Go inside for some health pickups and notice the zombie in the cage. Just use a barrel if you lost track of the saw. Go up the street but stop to kill the two zombies that break out of the house on the right side of the street. A few more black headcrabs will usually spawn and two drop right on top of you as you step outside. Kill the black headcrab in the room to get to the electrical switch. Kill the zombie on the floor and turn to the room ahead with the sparking switch.

Go up and kill the lone zombie waiting by the couch and then clear another doorway. Kill the five zombies in the room with the turbine and then use the gravity gun to clear out all the dressers blocking the staircase. Go forward and and turn off the gas valve to kill the fire blocking the door straight ahead of you. There’s a downed electrical line though and it will relight the fire and make the fence unclimbable. You need to ultimately go to the top of the street, kill a fire, and then go over a fence. Just wait for him to finish off the zombies, give a little speech, and then leave. You’ll see Father Grigori tending a zombie roast. Go forward and listen to the screams of a whole bunch of zombies. It will make the end of the level a piece of cake. You will thank me later for saving your ammo now. Go outside and kill some more zombies with your saw blade or the various barrels lying around. Crouch by the spinning blade and wait for the zombies to walk into the trap. I’m going to assume that you’ll do your best to keep a saw blade with you at all times. Then grab a blade and walk outside while clearing out the zombies and headcrabs in your path. Clear out the next room behind the table with all the equipment in the first room. Move the table and grab a saw blade with the gravity gun. Saw blades cut zombies in half for an instant kill and the oxygen tanks will set them on fire in a small explosion. These are going to be the tools of your trade in Ravenholm. Go past the hanging body and break into the room with all the saws and oxygen tanks.

If you’re suspicious, shoot them once from a distance to trigger them. Also never assume a zombie is dead already just because it’s on the ground. Otherwise, the headcrab will pop off and attack you. Remember that you need to shoot them in the head if you’re using a gun. A zombie is on the ground to the left side and he’ll stand up if you get to close. Go forward into the ominous courtyard after you step off of the ladder.